Are you facing a foreclosure in Tennessee? Have you been foreclosed upon in Tennessee and are now facing a unlawful detainer suit from the bank? If so, the Tennessee Foreclosure Defense Lawyers at Barnette Law Offices may be able to help you keep your home.
How do we accomplish this: we use the carrot and the stick. The carrot is clients that can afford the mortgage and just need a second chance. Do not call us if you’re foolish enough to believe “free houses” actually exist. The stick is suing mortgage companies (and Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac) when they have violated the law. They face money damages if we win. They may face having to pay our hourly rate of $425.00 for every hour we work on the case.
So we use the positive (“get paid by the clients”) and the negative (“let’s try the case in front of a jury”) and if everybody will act reasonably, then the case can be settled with the foreclosure undone.
Bottom line — it may not be too late before of after a foreclosure for you to be able to avoid the foreclosure or to get rid of the foreclosure. You have to act in the right time, and you have to have the right type of case, but if you do then you certainly have the opportunity to void out the foreclosure so it will be viewed as never having happened.
If you have questions about your options in Tennessee, give us a call at 615-585-2245 or contact us at Barnette Law Offices.